Get some answers to the most commonly asked questions related to when you travel.
Who is covered by IDA Travel Insurance? What is covered - and where?
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How does cancellation cover you? And when should you add cancellation coverage to your insurance policy?
Do you have the right insurance coverage when you go on holiday?
If you're pregnant or are chronically ill, you will need a health test.
Your Travel Insurance can help if you damage a rented car, motorbike, moped, or mobile home on your holiday.
Make sure to have the right insurance coverage and documents when you drive your car outside of Denmark.
What insurance do you need to be covered when you go skiing?
You can find all the answers to your questions about studying abroad and insurance.
Here are 8 good reasons why you should switch to IDA Forsikring's new Travel Insurance.
Get an overview over how IDA Forsikring's Travel Insurance covers.
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With the add-on Cancellation, you have coverage if you cancel your trip
As an IDA student, you are eligible for insurance at a discounted price.
If you are self-employed, you can buy IDA Business Travel Insurance.
Find all the information about your Travel Insurance bought before June 1, 2022, right here.
Find all the information about your Student Travel Insurance bought before June 1, 2022, right here.
With IDA Travel Insurance you can get a free travel vaccine jab.
With IDA Travel Insurance, you can receive online medical assistance from a Danish doctor during your vacation.
Get 15% off your insurance policies by bundling them all with IDA Forsikring.
As a member of IDA, you are eligible for discounts on travel and holiday activities.