You risk facing substantial bills if you discover faults and defects in your new home without indemnity insurance. Protect yourself by obtaining insurance that covers the repair of faults and provides financial security when purchasing a house.
Investing in indemnity insurance as a homebuyer is a decision you'll be grateful for. Here are the top three reasons why.
If you discover concealed damages, faults, and defects not mentioned in the condition or electrical installation report, you are covered, and the repair costs are included.
You receive financial assistance to cover expenses for rectifying or legalising illegal or defective electrical and plumbing installations in your home.
If the soil on your new property is contaminated, you are well covered. Here, you get expenses for soil investigations and remediation covered up to DKK 500,000.
Questions and answers
Find answers to commonly asked questions about IDA Forsikring's Indemnity Insurance, including coverage and additional options.
Questions: Indemnity insurance Gjensidige
Questions & answers
You can purchase indemnity insurance, but it is often a wise decision. Discover what indemnity insurance is and why it benefits both buyers and sellers.
What is indemnity insurance by Gjensidige
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