Questions: Dog owners insurance

Is it mandatory to buy dog owner liability? Do you need to supplement with extended coverage?

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about dog owners insurance
As a dog owner, you probably have a lot of questions. To make it easier, look at our list of the most frequently asked questions. You will get tips about the best coverage, find out what you as a future dog owner should know, and much more.

Is it mandatory to take out Dog Insurance?

Dog Insurance is required by law to cover you with liability as dog owner if your dog causes injury or damage to a third party.

I’m taking my dog with me on holiday. Does my insurance cover my dog if I am hospitalized?

Dog Insurance does not cover, but a Travel Insurance does. If you are hospitalized abroad, we take care of your dog. This means that we provide local care for your dog and eventually transportation back home if there are no care facilities in that country.

How do I cancel my Dog Owner Insurance after my dog has passed away?

Please, contact us at 70210191 and provide the date your dog passed away. You can also send us an email via our contact form. Please write to us via this form We will cancel the insurance policy from that date and refund the excess premium.
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Dog Insurance

Learn about the essential coverage aspects of IDA Forsikring's Dog Insurance through an overview.

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Veterinary hotline

Get veterinarian assistance

If you have IDA Forsikring's Dog or Cat Insurance, you can contact a Veterinary hotline any day between 9 AM and midnight.

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