As a home seller, it's essential to have liability insurance to protect yourself. The seller's liability insurance covers you for any residual liability that may fall outside regular indemnity insurance. It means that if you have to pay expenses to the buyer, you can recover some of them through the insurance policy.
Please note that you cannot purchase this insurance through our online calculator. Our partner, Gjensidige Forsikring, offers this particular insurance policy.
However, if you would like an insurance quote, please fill out the form and remember to attach a home condition report and an electrical inspection report.
The insurance insures you against unforeseen expenses when you have to sell your house.
The insurance covers your liability for ten years.
The insurance covers damages up to DKK 500,000 in total.
As a seller, the insurance covers your liability for ten years in the event of your conviction or a judicial settlement being reached.
The form provided is for indicative purposes only and serves as an extract from the insurance terms and conditions. Any compensation will be calculated based on the rules stated in the insurance terms and conditions.
To learn about the value of insurance, you can watch a short film by clicking on this link.
Call or write to IDA Forsikring
Would you like to request for insurance or have any questions?
70 21 01 91