Become a member of IDA
Become a member of IDA

Do like 166,000 other people - join IDA

IDA membership offers many benefits, such as insurance with IDA Forsikring, which probably provides the most attractive coverage and lowest premium in Denmark.

New member of IDA Forsikring

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Try IDA for free

If you have a degree in engineering, IT, or natural sciences, you can get a free IDA membership for three months.

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New member of IDA Forsikring

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Try IDA for free

If you have a degree in engineering, IT, or natural sciences, you can get a free IDA membership for three months.

The best advice and guidance for you as a student

Become member of IDA

Students: Get the first year for free

As a student you get your IDA membership free of charge the first year. Then you'll get acess to all services and benefits.

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The best advice and guidance for you as a student

Become member of IDA

Students: Get the first year for free

As a student you get your IDA membership free of charge the first year. Then you'll get acess to all services and benefits.